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Welcome! This is a resource for people who are invested in improving the lives of artists everywhere. We strive to uphold the following standards:
Welcome! This is a resource for people who are invested in improving the lives of artists everywhere.  
*Supporting the thriving of artists;
*Being intentional and accountable about matters of equity;
*Placing a high societal value on art, artists, and creativity;
*Fostering collaboration between artists and decision-makers in all sectors; and
*Supporting the broadest possible range of connections between artists and communities.
We have three pages for resources geared towards your work:
We have three pages for resources geared towards your work:
* [[Resources for Grantmakers]]
* [[Resources for Individual Artists]]
* [[Resources for Organizations Working With Artists]]
* [[Resources for Organizations Working With Artists]]
* [[Resources for Individual Artists]]
* [[Resources for Grantmakers]]

== Advocacy and Casemaking ==
* [http://giarts.org/article/supporting-individual-artists-ten-years-ten-lessons Grantmakers in the Arts | Ten Years, Ten Lessons]
* [http://www.nasaa-arts.org/Advocacy/Advocacy-Tools/Why-Government-Support/WhyGovSupport.pdf National Assembly of State Arts Organizations | Why Should Government Support the Arts?]
* [http://giarts.org/article/supporting-individual-artists Grantmakers in the Arts | Supporting Individual Artists: A Toolbox]
* [http://peak2018.peakgrantmaking.org/sessions/concurrent-block-b/#micro 2018 PEAK Grantmaking Conference | The Role of Grants Managers in Bridging Microcultures]
* [http://www.giarts.org/article/support-individual-artists-folk-and-traditional-arts Support for Individual Artists in the Folk and Traditional Arts]
* [http://www.giarts.org/article/understanding-support-individual-artists Grantmakers in the Arts | Understanding Support for Individual Artists: Making a Case for National Standards]
* [http://www.citylab.com/work/2014/12/why-cities-cant-afford-to-lose-their-artists/383298/ CityLab | Why Cities Can’t Afford to Lose Their Artists]
* [http://www.giarts.org/sites/default/files/GIA_Support-for-Individual-Artists-Case-Statment.pdf Grantmakers in the Arts | Supporting Individual Artists – Preserving the Core of Humanity]
* [http://mckinseyonsociety.com/downloads/reports/Social-Innovation/And_the_winner_is.pdf McKinsey | And the Winner is… Philanthropists and Governments Make Prizes Count]
* [https://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/news/fair-wage-artists-should-be-ace-funding-condition-labour-says Arts Professionals | Fair wage for artists should be ACE funding condition, Labour says]
* [http://createquity.com/2011/03/supply-is-not-going-to-decrease-so-its-time-to-think-about-curating/ Createquity | Supply is Not Going to Decrease (So It's Time to Think About Curating]
== History of the Field ==
* [http://www.giarts.org/article/support-individual-artists-timeline Grantmakers in the Arts | Timeline of Support for Individual Artists]

== Networks ==
== Networks ==
* [https://www.givingforum.org/ Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers]
* [https://www.givingforum.org/ Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers]
* [http://www.fundersnetwork.org/ Funders Network] - Helps grantmakers across North America advance strategies to create fair, prosperous, and sustainable communities.
* [http://www.fundersnetwork.org/ Funders Network] - Helps grantmakers across North America advance strategies to create fair, prosperous, and sustainable communities.
* [https://www.peakgrantmaking.org/consumersguide2016v/ Peak Grantmaking] - Member-led organization by and for grantmakers.
* [https://www.peakgrantmaking.org PEAK Grantmaking] - Member-led organization by and for grantmakers.
* [http://peak2018.peakgrantmaking.org 2018 PEAK Grantmaking Annual Conference]
* [http://www.fiscalsponsors.org/ National Network of Fiscal Sponsors] - Promotes the understanding and professional practice of fiscal sponsorship.
* [http://www.fiscalsponsors.org/ National Network of Fiscal Sponsors] - Promotes the understanding and professional practice of fiscal sponsorship.
* [https://www.geofunders.org/ Grantmakers for Effective Organizations] - Community dedicated to effective philanthropy.
* [https://www.geofunders.org/ Grantmakers for Effective Organizations] - Community dedicated to effective philanthropy.

== Reports ==
== Legal ==
* [https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/private-foundations/grants-to-individuals IRS Grants to Individuals]
* [https://www.peakgrantmaking.org/streamlining-your-due-diligence/ Streamlining Your Due Diligence]
* [https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.philanthropynetwork.org/resource/collection/84FE6688-933B-46B6-A895-505C4C9A46BB/Legal_Presentation_DVG_030713.pdf Legal Issues for Grantmaking Professionals]
* [http://www.grantcraft.org/guides/grants-to-individuals GrantCraft | Grants to Individuals]
* [https://www.irs.goc/charities-non-profits/private-foundations/grants-to-individuals IRS | Grants to Individuals]
* [https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-tege/eotopicn80.pdf IRS | Internal Revenue Code 4945: Grants to Individuals]
* [https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-tege/4945_g__guide_sheet.pdf IRS | 4945 Guide Sheet for Advanced Approval of Individual Grant Procedures]
* [http://www.exponentphilanthropy.org/resources/by-topic/tax-legal/grants-to-individuals Exponent Philanthropy | Frequently Asked Questions about Grants to Individuals]
== Research Reports ==
* [https://www.cof.org/sites/default/files/documents/files/ResourcesGuide.pdf Essential Skills & Strategies for New Grantmakers]
* [https://www.cof.org/sites/default/files/documents/files/ResourcesGuide.pdf Essential Skills & Strategies for New Grantmakers]
* [http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/social-sector/our-insights/measuring-what-matters-in-nonprofits Measuring What Matters in Nonprofits] - On measuring success in nonprofits.
* [http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/social-sector/our-insights/measuring-what-matters-in-nonprofits Measuring What Matters in Nonprofits] - On measuring success in nonprofits.
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* [http://www.giarts.org/sites/default/files/Review-of-Scholarly-Research-on-Artist-Support.pdf Review of Scholarly Research on Artist Support] - Surveys of the literature on individual artists’ sources of support and related topics.
* [http://www.giarts.org/sites/default/files/Review-of-Scholarly-Research-on-Artist-Support.pdf Review of Scholarly Research on Artist Support] - Surveys of the literature on individual artists’ sources of support and related topics.
* [http://www.giarts.org/article/supporting-individual-artists Supporting Individual Artists] - Concise report about the choices grantmakers can consider when giving.
* [http://www.giarts.org/article/supporting-individual-artists Supporting Individual Artists] - Concise report about the choices grantmakers can consider when giving.
* [http://www.cciarts.org/_Library/docs/LAProject_Report.pdf CCIArts – Los Angeles: America’s Artist Super City]
* [http://www.giarts.org/sites/default/files/Review-of-Scholarly-Research-on-Artist-Support.pdf Grantmakers in the Arts | Review of Scholarly Research on Artist Support]
* [http://www.nasaa-arts.org/Research/Grant-Making/IndivArtsitGrantmakingFactSheet0316.pdf NASAA Fact Sheet 2014]
* [https://3arts.org/news/3ap-impact-study/ 3Arts | Annual Impact Study] – Illustrates program’s ripple effect across Chicago and beyond.
* [https://3arts.org/news/awardee-survey-2008-2013 3Arts | Awardee Survey]
* [http://createquity.com/2013/01/arts-policy-library-fusing-arts-culture-and-social-change/ Createquity | Arts Policy Library: Fusing Arts, Culture and Social Change]
* [http://createquity.com/2017/12/our-recommendations-for-arts-philanthropists/ Createquity | The Last Word: Our Recommendations for Arts Philanthropists]

== Legal ==
== Review and Selection ==
* [https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/private-foundations/grants-to-individuals IRS Grants to Individuals]
* [http://www.giarts.org/article/toolkit-look-inside-artist-selection-process GIA | Toolkit: Four Funder Models for Artist Selection]
* [https://www.peakgrantmaking.org/streamlining-your-due-diligence/ Streamlining Your Due Diligence]
* [http://www.americansforthearts.org/sites/default/files/pdf/2014/by_program/networks_and_councils/public_art_network/Artist%20Selection%20Process%20Resource%20Guide%202013-draft.pdf Americans for the Arts | Artist Selection Resource Guide]
* [https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.philanthropynetwork.org/resource/collection/84FE6688-933B-46B6-A895-505C4C9A46BB/Legal_Presentation_DVG_030713.pdf Legal Issues for Grantmaking Professionals]
* [http://www.callforentry.org Call For Entry] – Application and adjudication system for managing calls for entry.
* [https://fluidreview.com Fluid Review] – Easy review processes for scholarships, grants, fellowships, awards, and more.
* [http://www.submittable.com Submittable] – Accept, review, and make decisions on digital content using cloud-based submissions.
* [http://www.slideroom.com Slideroom] – Application tracking and management.

== Other ==
== Other Resources ==
* [https://www.ncfp.org/ National Center for Family Philanthropy] - National non-profit dedicated to families who give and those who work with them.
* [https://www.ncfp.org/ National Center for Family Philanthropy] - National non-profit dedicated to families who give and those who work with them.
* [http://www.giarts.org/sites/default/files/Artist-Support-Benchmarking-Initiative_Preliminary-Report_2012-09-28.pdf Grantmakers in the Arts | Artist Support Benchmarking Initiative]
* [http://www.giarts.org/support-individual-artists Grantmakers in the Arts | Support Individual Artists]
* [https://www.ncrp.org/about-us/philanthropy-at-its-best National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy | Criteria for Philanthropy at Its Best: Benchmarks to Assess and Enhance Grantmaker Impact]
* [http://www.giarts.org/readers Grantmakers in the Arts | GIA Reader]

== Books ==
== Books ==
* [https://www.ncfp.org/resource/splendid-legacy-order/ Splendid Legacy 2: Creating and Re-Creating Your Family Foundation] - Professional handbook for managing family-run foundations.
* [https://www.ncfp.org/resource/splendid-legacy-order/ Splendid Legacy 2: Creating and Re-Creating Your Family Foundation] - Professional handbook for managing family-run foundations.

Latest revision as of 10:38, 15 January 2018

Welcome! This is a resource for people who are invested in improving the lives of artists everywhere.

We have three pages for resources geared towards your work:

Advocacy and Casemaking

History of the Field



Research Reports

Review and Selection

Other Resources
